Why do you need to consult a Divorce Attorney

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Divorce

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Family law attorneys must be consulted when there are legal crisis within households. These lawyers are specialists in handling a range of legal crisis situations arising within families. Family law issues can be several – divorce or mutual seperation, child custody issues, alimony settlement, child support arrears, visitation and paternity issues, division of property and spousal support, adoption, are just a few of these. When such family crisis situations arise, it’s important that individuals should consult an experienced divorce attorney.

A crisis situation can occur anytime in our lives. Its not always in our hands to control these untoward events! The best we can do is to counter these unfavorable situations and avoid ourselves from getting affected by its ill-consequences. Divorce is a personal crisis for any married individual. A divorce not only breaks a close relationship but also deals a blow to a very intimate human relation – between a husband and a wife. Hence, legal actions like divorce should only be taken if there’s no alternative way out. But at times, a divorce comes as a blessing  for couples who could not adjust with each other and wish to seperate.

However, divorce being a legal procedure, it requires a good understanding. In most community property states in the US, whatever income earned as well as all property and assets acquired during the course of the marriage, is considered property of both the husband and the wife. Hence, during a legal seperation, both the husband and the wife is entitled to receive equal share of the whole property. This, sometimes may not be in favor with either of the two partners. Under such situations, one should seek the help of an experienced divorce attorney.

A divorce attorney in addition to representing the client in the house of law, puts the case in  favor of the client helping him/her to draw maximum benefit from the legal seperation. The aim is to help the client get over the legal hurdle as early as possible. In addition, there are other issues related to divorce, especially if there is custody of children involved. Either of the parent may simultaneaously apply to the court to claim the custody of their child after the divorce is put into effect. Besides, the parents after the legal seperation needs to decide when and how the child will visit them or stay with them and for how long! A divorce attorney can act as an effective  mediator in such situations.

In addition, child support issues may also arise, especially in case of a legal seperation. Under all the above circumstances, sound legal guidance can only be found from an experienced divorce attorney. Ventura County has Morgan Law Firm, offering specialized consultation and legal guidance on cases related to family law, criminal law,and personal injury.

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