What Is a Pedicab and Who Would Use One

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Shopping

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Pedicabs are frequently seen in cities, big and small, all over the world, but most people, upon hearing the word, would say “What are you talking about? I’ve never heard of a pedicab.” What exactly is a pedicab and who would need one?

What Is a Pedicab?

Simply put, a pedicab is any large tricycle with a cart of some sort on the back for people to sit in. Often times, you will see pedicab companies operate in parks and other areas with heavy tourist activity. They are an environmentally-friendly way for tourists and citizens alike to get around, while simultaneously supporting a small and often local business in the area.

Who May Need a Pedicab?

Pedicabs are often purchased by pedicab companies that operate in a fashion similar to traditional taxicab fleets. The company will own a fleet of pedicabs and assign them to an individual driver, who will take the pedicab out on their shift for that day and be responsible for its care.

However, pedicabs are used for more than transporting people. They can also be used to move around or supply:

• Cargo

• Food

• Promotional Items

• Billboards

• Beer

• Coffee

• Ice Cream

As a result, pedicabs have a variety of uses and can be a highly effective marketing tool for small business owners who don’t operate a pedicab business. They are a novel and unique way to get your message out there, whatever it may be.

If you are looking to purchase a pedicab, look no further than the high-quality bikes. You can contact them at their website or by phone at 406-203-4422.