What exactly is a headache

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Health and Medical

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Headaches can be the result of many different environmental and physical factors.  Basically, a headache is a biochemical disorder caused by chemical reactions in your body.  Having a better understanding of the nature of headaches and their trigger factors is something that Neurology Chicago care centers have to know to be able to successful treat people who suffer with chronic headaches.

When you suffer with a headache, there are several areas of your head that can be in pain. These areas can include the network of nerves that extend over your scalp, face, mouth and throat.  Your cranial muscles and blood vessels along the surface of your head and base of your brain are also affected because of the delicate nerve fibers contained there.  The Neurology Chicago care experts have found that these pain-sensitive nerves, called nociceptors, are stimulated by muscle tension, stress, dilated blood vessels and other types of “triggers” that result in head pain.  And although it may feel like it, Neurology Chicago care providers will tell you that the bones and tissue of your skull themselves never hurt because they lack these pain-sensitive nerve fibers.

Migraine headaches are a type of vascular headache that are thought by Neurology Chicago care experts to involve abnormal blood vessel or vascular system function.  This is why migraine sufferers are exceptionally sensitive to light and noise during pain episodes.  Muscle contraction headaches apparently involve the tightening of facial and neck muscles. These often result from improper neck and head support while sitting or sleeping.  Inflammatory headaches are the result of factors ranging from brain tumors, cerebral hemorrhages (i.e. strokes), and even sinus cavity infections.   Neurology Chicago care providers know that some types of headaches are signs of more serious neurological disorders, especially if they are associated with any type of loss of consciousness, convulsions or disorientation. Headaches that occur with these types of incidences are often the result of some type of head injury.

There are also incidences where headaches can be brought on by extreme bouts of depression or anxiety and other types of psychological issues. A well trained Neurology Chicago care provider will also tell you that some headaches are often side effects of certain medications.   This is why it is so important to seek medical assistance from an experienced Neurology Chicago care center.

Since headaches can have many different contributing factors, it is exceptionally important for your primary health care provider or a Neurology Chicago specialist to obtain a full medical history and order any testing that can eliminate the possibilities of other underlying medical or psychological conditions.  These tests may include an MRI or CAT scan, blood work and even thyroid function testing.  It is extremely important that if you are suffering from chronic headaches that you fully disclose to the staff at whichever Neurology Chicago care center you choose for treatment exactly what type of pain you are experiencing and any contributing factors in your life that may be triggering the headaches as well as how often they occur and how long they last.