What Any Solar Energy Contractor Honolulu Should Tell You

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Business

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There are many things a solar energy contractor Honolulu could tell you. For starters, the services are not offered for free and hence you will be given the cost estimate and the mode of payment. That is however not all there is to know about solar energy. There’s a whole lot more. Follow closely.

First, your solar energy contractor Honolulu should make mention of the fact that up to 65% of the money you spend in installing the system is refundable in the form of tax rebates. This cost is shared between the state and the federal government; the latter offering a 35% tax credit and the latter giving a 30% credit. All you need to do is to prove that you have installed a solar system. No hoax folks. If you have doubts about this, inquire from the tax authorities before you make any commitment in this regard. Put in another way, the government will literally incur the costs of installing your solar system; you would just have to pay first and then ask for your money back later.

Second, any solar energy contractor should tell you that installation of a solar system will only take a few days, during which time you don’t need to vacate your home. Yes, installation of the system is sophisticated, but No, it doesn’t take ages. An average sized solar system should only take between 2 to 5 days. Big systems could take a slightly longer time.

You should also be appraised on any financing facilities which may be available. In these times of economic recession, you don’t need to bear all the costs of installation at one go. A financial arrangement could be agreed upon. This could be in the form of a loan or payment in installments. Most contractors, even though they may not lend you the money themselves, will usually have links to lending institutions that could finance the whole project. This is an option any homeowner should explore.

A solar energy contractor must also advise you on the type of system to install. Solar systems come in various sizes. A good contractor will visit your premises, conduct an assessment and recommend the most appropriate system for you. Nothing should stop you from inquiring about the benefits of each system and the savings you are likely to make.

After all is said and done, the solar energy contractor will have to tell you whether the solar system will be effective. That is the main reason why you sought their services, right? You need to know if the system is guaranteed to work. If you contracted a good firm, there should be no dallying about this. The onus will be placed on you to authorize the installation process to begin.