Teeth Cleaning Tips To Remove Stains

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Dental

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If you have suffered from stains on your teeth that you have not been able to get rid of, you know that this is extremely frustrating. You might feel subconscious and even avoid smiling altogether to hide the staining. Here are some teeth cleaning tips to remove those stubborn stains. 

I personally prefer natural methods of teeth cleaning to harsh abrasives.   One way that you can naturally clean your teeth and rid them of stains is by eating fruit.  Crunchy fruits and vegetables have an abrasiveness that can rid your teeth of stains quite naturally.  They are like natures toothbrush so to speak.  Eating an apple is a great example of a natural toothbrush and stain remover. 

Another way of teeth cleaning that is a great idea is to floss regularly.  Your dentist is always going to tell you to floss but many people do not realize that by flossing you are also helping to remove stains from your teeth that can become stuck for a long time if you do not remove them.  No one wants stained teeth, so get to flossing. 

Eating a small amount of cheese after each meal can help to prevent tooth decay and to remove stains that otherwise would not be able to be seen or removed.  This is a relatively new evidence that is starting to surface.  If you do not like cheese, you may want to try one of the other teeth cleaning methods to remove stains in this article. 

Saliva is a natural cleaner we have in our mouths and chewing sugar free gum can help to promote saliva production.  If you are looking for a reason to chew gum, now you have it…just make sure it is sugar free. 

Ever think that you can rid your teeth of stains by eating chocolate covered strawberries?  Well in fact you can.  Strawberries may be a teeth whitener and chocolate serves as an antibacterial element because of the cocoa bean husk.  Remember that there is a lot of sugar in this method so it’s not a good idea to eat them every day. 
Baking soda is a natural method for cleaning lots of things, your teeth included.  If you have a stubborn stain you can use baking soda to get rid of it, but due to its harshness do not use it very often because you can harm the enamel of your teeth.
You can use apple cider and vinegar if you have a stubborn stain but be careful with this method as well.  I would only use it if you have a stain that cannot be removed otherwise. If you cannot remove your stains by any of these natural methods you may have to see a dentist to have it removed.