Simple Tips To Maintain Your Air Conditioner

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Heating And Air Conditioning

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As the cold months of winter and early Spring fade away and you gear up for a balmy Summer, it’s probably time to think about maintaining your air conditioning in Middletown CT.  Your air conditioner has been bundled up all winter, so Spring is a good time to look it over and make sure everything is functioning properly so you can continue to remain comfortable through the long, hot days of Summer.  Some maintenance you can perform on your own, but there are other things that might be better to have a professional come and look at the air conditioning unit.

Your air conditioner has a filter, and the air handler filter probably ought to be replaced on a monthly basis.  This keeps air flow high and reduces the risk of wasted energy.  Your air conditioner also has a drain.  You can put a cap on it and then vacuum the other end to remove dirt or other debris that may have found its way into the component.  It’s also very important to make sure that shrubbery or other plants around the outside unit are trimmed away from the unit.  There should be at least two feet of space on all sides of the air conditioning unit.  This helps ensure more efficient air conditioning in Middletown CT.  You can also inspect ducts to make sure there’s no debris interfering with air flow.  This is also a great time to make sure there are no leaks and that everything is sealed off properly.

Having a professional look at your air conditioning unit every Spring is a good idea.  He or she is trained to identify minor problem areas that could potentially lead to larger, more expensive, issues in the future that could be easy for a homeowner to miss.  Some of the items that will be checked include verifying refrigerant levels.  Freon is commonly used to cool the air and many homeowners mistakenly believe that Freon is consumed similarly to the way a vehicle consumes oil.  This is not the case, and if the air conditioning technician notices low Freon levels, it’s most likely due to a leak somewhere in the system.  The tech will also verify that all electrical components are in good condition.  He or she can also calibrate the thermostat to ensure more efficient air conditioning Middletown CT.  The tech will also check the condenser and check to see if the evaporator needs to be cleaned.