Other Maintenance Activities to Do with Furnace Duct Cleaning in St Charles

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Home Improvement

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Your furnace system has been sitting dormant throughout the summer, which means there is months of dust and debris that has built up in the furnace ducts. Before you turn your furnace back on as the weather cools down, it is important to get furnace duct cleaning in St. Charles. However, when you get this cleaning, there are other maintenance issues you need to also address at the same time.


When you have your furnace ducts cleaned, it is a good time to also get your furnace inspected by a professional. Whether you choose a company that does both or you need to hire a company for each job, it is important to make sure your furnace is fully inspected while it is running with clean ducts. This will provide the most accurate results when the professional checks to see if your furnace needs any maintenance.

Filter Replacement

Furnace duct cleaning in St. Charles is also a good time replace the filter in your furnace. Be sure to check the owner’s manual that came with the furnace to find out how often your filters should be replaced. For some furnaces, they should be replaced once every few months. For others, once a year is sufficient. Replacing your filter will ensure your system runs cleaner, both through the furnace and out through the ducts.

Interior Cleaning

The inside of your furnace should also be cleaned when you clean the ducts. The cooling coils and other elements within the furnace can become coated in dust and dirt through the summer months. If you don’t clean these elements, you could be increasing your risk of a fire because of a dirty furnace. In addition, this dust and dirt will loosen and cause your new filter and clean ducts to become dirty more quickly. Be sure to hire a professional for this cleaning to ensure it is done correctly.

During the summer months, it is difficult to think about your furnace system. However, it is important to get your furnace duct cleaning in St. Charles to ensure your safety and health. Cleaning the ducts aren’t the only thing you should do, though. This season is the perfect time to have your furnace inspected to make sure it is operating properly, as well as to change the filter and clean the interior of the furnace so it can operate as efficiently as possible when the cold weather sets in.