How To Take Care Of Your Teeth

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Health and Medical

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It is recommended that you see your dentist in Crestwood, KY at least twice a year. In between visits it’s important that you take care of your teeth and gums to ensure a good checkup. If you skip brushing and flossing then your next trip to the dentist may not be such a great one. The dentist could end up telling you that you have cavities or gum disease.

Many people put off going to the dentist for that very reason. They don’t want to know what is going on with their teeth. They figure if they don’t have a toothache, then everything must be ok. But that is not necessarily true. Cavities can sit on your teeth for a long time before they actually cause you any pain. The longer the cavity sits, the bigger and deeper it gets until it eventually deadens the tooth root and you need to have a root canal. It’s best to take care of problem teeth before they become an even bigger problem.

If you do not have a regular dentist in Crestwood, KY that you see, you should start looking for one. It’s important to find someone who is trusted, well liked and who will make you feel comfortable during your appointment. You can find dentists online or in the phone book. There may be a dentist that a family member or friend can recommend. Going to a dentist that someone you know has been to can help you feel a little more at ease.

If you plan to search for a dentist on the internet, you may come across several websites of different dentists. The websites may list their schooling, training and credentials as well as testimonials from current clients. When you call to make your appointment, ask the receptionist how soon you can get in to see the dentist. If you are experiencing a dental emergency or are in extreme pain, the dentist may be able to get you in sooner.

At your appointment, you will get your teeth cleaned and x-rayed. The dental assistant or hygienist will clean your teeth and scrape away tartar and plaque with special dental tools. The dentist will come in to look at the x-rays and examine your teeth. If the dentist notices any problems with your teeth or gums, he or she will give recommendations on how to remedy the problem.

After the exam, the receptionist will schedule you to come back for either dental work or another cleaning and checkup. It’s important to see your dentist in Crestwood, KY at least once every six months and make sure to practice good teeth brushing habits in between visits.