How to Properly Prep for a Dental Implant Surgery Procedure

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Dental

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Looking to get dental implants in Chicago is a big decision that is going to change your life. It should help you not only regain self-esteem but also help improve your oral health. Still, you have to go through the procedure, and there are some steps you need to take to get ready for the implants.

Meal Prep

You are probably not going to be able to chew hard foods, like nuts or fresh vegetables after the procedure for some time. This means you need to plan accordingly. It may be a good idea to use a juicer to drink some of the vegetables you love. You might also want to concentrate on foods like pasta and soups until you get back to normal. Make sure that you avoid spicy or acidic foods as your gums might be sensitive.

Thoughtful Living

The next thing you want to do is avoid planning big events after the surgery. Self-care is vital for at least three to five days, so just plan for this. You do not want to be forced to miss an important life event because of pain or discomfort, and you do not want to be forced to go to an event where you won’t be able to enjoy it the way you should.

Don’t Eat

You are going to be asked not to eat for a certain amount of time. The specified time depends on your dentist, but make sure that you follow these instructions because you are going to be going under sedation. Yes, you are going to feel pretty hungry, but this is for your good and to ensure that everything during the procedure goes on as it should.

Make sure you get enough rest before getting your dental implants in Chicago. Remember, the good people at East Village Dental Centre are ready to help and clarify any additional questions you may have regarding your implants, so do not hesitate to call or visit Sitename.