How To Keep Your Home Free Of Rodents

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Pest Control

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Rodents like rats and mice are not going anywhere; they breed fast, they can crawl through miniscule spaces, and they are fast. Objectively there is nothing dangerous about the animals themselves, domesticated rodents like rats and hamsters are no real threat to their owners, but wild rats and rodents carry diseases and parasites that can be dangerous to you and your family. Wild rodents have definitely shown that they are highly adaptable and can thrive in a lot of different environments; so rat control Sacramento and rodent control in general is focused on preventing the rodents from getting into your home in the first place.

Rats and other rodents can fit through surprisingly small spaces. If you walk around your home inspecting the exterior walls, you may think your home is pretty well sealed up, but any crack in the foundation or in a wall can be expanded by age, weather, and rodents working on it. Tiny cracks and openings in the exterior of your home can also let in other pests like termites, spiders, roaches, etc..

If you have seen a rat or mouse in your home, there are a few things you can do to get rid of the rodent, or more likely rodents, and prevent them from coming back. If you see mouse or rat droppings in your home, then there is definitely a rodent or two somewhere in your house. Rats will gnaw through walls and basically any other material in their way, so an important part of rat control Sacramento is doing a thorough inspection of the interior and exterior of your home and looking for any holes or cracks. If you find holes in your walls, examine how big they are so you can know if you are dealing with rats or mice; which is important for trapping purposes.

If you find the rats’ entrances into your home, fix them as soon as possible and block off any potential entrances for rodents. Then, make sure that the rats in your home have no access to food. It is a good idea to throw out any food that may have been touched by a rat or mouse, and then seal any pantry food or non-refrigerated food in metal or glass canisters.

There are many traps available specifically for catching and killing rats. The traditional spring loaded rat trap is still used as well as different glue traps designed to be safe for humans and small non-rodent animals. Rat poison is also commonly known as the thing to get if you have rats, but it does not eliminate the rats completely. Once you stop laying out rat poison, more will pop up so the best method of rat control Sacramento are traps. Once you have done your best to get rid of rats, you may want to call a pest control professional to inspect your home for any remaining rodents, nests, and vulnerable points of entry.