How to Get a Corporate Job

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Business

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In America, a growing portion of the job market is made up of service and retail jobs. Take a look at most online jobs boards, and you’ll see such jobs make up an out-sized portion of the public postings. There’s nothing wrong with these jobs per se, and definitely make sense for a large amount of people, but there are certain advantages to having a corporate job, including the room for advancement and the simple luxury of being able to sit behind a desk, that don’t exist in the service industry. But if you’ve never had a corporate position before, it can be difficult to figure out how to get your foot in the door. Here are a few tips to help you land a corporate position.

Know What You Want
Spend some time with yourself, really examining what you want to do. Working a corporate job isn’t enough specificity, you have to know what you’d be best at and happiest doing. There’s a specific reason for this, beyond just getting you into the right job for you. Many positions that you might be viable for won’t be listed online under “corporate jobs hiring”. Identify a company that you would want to look for, and look at their careers page: chances are, there are jobs there that you can apply for that you wouldn’t be able to find on any public board. Look at as many companies that you could see yourself happily working for as you can to find as many potential positions as possible. Reveal Global is a great place to begin your search.

There’s an old truism about getting jobs: it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. Well, really it’s both. You won’t get anywhere if you don’t have any skills or value, but oftentimes, the best way to get a job is to talk to someone directly who either needs to hire someone or knows someone who does. That can be disheartening to hear if you don’t know anyone right now, but it doesn’t have to be. Even if there are limited opportunities to physically network in your circle, the internet is the greatest networking tool that has ever been developed. Make an account on LinkedIn and make sure that you’re active there. Find out what sort of online communities surround the areas that you want to be involved in professionally, and make sure that you are a part of the conversation. Get conversations going through social media, those connections can be parlayed into real opportunities.

Click here to know more about corporate jobs hiring.