Gold Jewelry In Naples FL

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Jewelry

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Gold in Naples FL is quite evident. Being on the southwest coast of the state there are many retirees which come to spend their golden years in an environment consisting of nice weather, country clubs and of course, the array of great jewelry stores. Many retirees have invested well in their 401(k) plans, their IRA and their stock portfolio and they can live a very good life. Other retires are not so well off and they may want to dispose of some of their unwanted or unused jewelry.
We all know that jewelry is composed of materials that do not depreciate as does an automobile. The gold or other precious metal that is contained in your old jewelry is still gold, as good today as it was a long time ago. The prices may change but the metal itself remains stable and durable. It s awful to call gold “scrap” but in the trade that is what it is referred to as. If you would like to dispose of this unused asset, you can do so by dealing with many of the jewelers in the immediate area. They have experts who will value your gold and the stones they contain and give you an honest appraisal. With identification you can sell it on the spot and walk out with a check.

For others, the opportunity lies in dealing with a skilled jeweler to convert their unused jewelry into cash and then reinvesting it in new jewelry in the store. If this is what you wish to do, there are jewelers who will give you an additional 10% of the metals assessed value. It is akin to having $1.10 in your pocket instead of $1.00.

And, let’s face it, retirees are now doing what they planned to do all their working life; spend their retirement income. What better way is there to spend your retirement dollars than to convert it into wearable retirement assets? It is difficult to wear $5000 worth of hundred dollar bills hanging off you, but it is a joy to wear the same amount in beautiful jewelry. It’s not the thing to say, but, when you pass on and pass your estate to your children, you can pass them the same amount that you originally had, it’s just in a different form, a form that you enjoyed in your golden years.

Gold has always been an object to turn to for so many things. If the gold in Naples FL goes up in price, which it always has, you will win while holding it because of its beauty and you will win when you dispose of it because of its value. The economy is shaky at the moment, the dollars purchasing power and its value as a global currency is waning.