DWI Charges Can Bring Serious Consequences

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Legal

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When an alleged DWI driver was clocked by a Travis County deputy at speeds of over 100 mph, the deputy tried to pull the driver over. Unfortunately, before the deputy was successful, the car flipped injuring the two women inside. The incident occurred near a middle school in Austin and resulted in the hospitalization of the two women. One was listed in critical, and the other in serious condition. The driver, an 18-year-old male was arrested at the scene and police indicated that he was talking and alert following the accident.

Such dramatic cases where the extremes of drunk driving are so evident cause a perception in the public eye that a crackdown on DWI drivers needs to occur. In response, Travis County law enforcement officials will ramp up efforts to stop, arrest, and convict DWI drivers. What often happens is that some drivers who are not truly driving while intoxicated get stopped, suspected, and charged, despite their innocence.

When such arrests occur, a DWI attorney is the innocent party’s best line of defense. Your DWI attorney has the experience necessary to prove that you were not really intoxicated at the time of your arrest. In fact, in many instances where there is not really enough evidence from the traffic stop to obtain a conviction, your defense attorney can convince the DA’s office to drop the charges altogether.

Sometimes the prosecutor will choose to take the case to trial anyway, but your attorney will have multiple angles by which to poke holes in the prosecutions argument. Whether it is the fact that the officer who pulled you over did not have sufficient reason to do so, or that a field sobriety test was incorrectly administered, your attorney will anticipate the arguments that the prosecution will advance and can be prepared to respond to them accordingly.

The important thing is to make sure that you have an accomplished Travis County DWI attorney at your side so that you can avoid the consequences of a DWI conviction that is unwarranted. Your attorney can keep you apprised of your legal options as your case progresses so that you can proceed with confidence regarding your case and its possible outcomes and so that you can avoid any of the serious penalties that can come with a DWI conviction.

Even if you tested positive for DWI on a breath test or a Travis County law enforcement officer determined that you were intoxicated based on a field sobriety test, you may not actually have been guilty of a DWI offense. Your defense attorney can review the details of your case so that you can understand what options are available and how to best proceed.