Defining Renewable Fuels

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Business

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There are renewable resources and renewable fuels. Renewable fuels are produced by means of those renewable resources. This could include biofuels, ethanol and even vegetable oil as some use this substance for a fuel. Also included in this category are wind and solar. Fossil fuels are not considered to be renewable because of the fact they may contain carbon, which is now out of the current cycle. Biofuel is not limited to the types mentioned here. The EPA gives a wide girth to other renewable sources, such as algae and seaweed or other similar substances.

The Reason

With the existing usage of oil in America, it has been calculated there will be a supply disruption unless something is done to supplement oil with other energy sources. Thus individuals, investors and energy companies are scouring the horizon for other options. There are various theories as to the state of the petroleum supply, but by all counts, it is slowly being depleted.

Some of the reason why companies are looking to the alternate options for fuel is there is a general cry to preserve natural resources that now exist. Part of it is from the fact that with the current usage, there will be a shortfall sooner rather than later. So why wait till the house of cards has fallen? Starting now will eliminate the critical pain when Americans have to stop travelling.

Renewable Sources

Biofuel coming from food sources is also considered to be renewable fuel. Biofuels can come from sugar cane, corn or other grains. The problem with the solution coming from food sources is it could create a shortage of that food product.

Biofuel would also include bioethanol and biodiesel. Bioethanol is created from a fermentation procured from carbohydrates produced in sugar and starchy foods. On the other hand, biodiesel is created from animal fat and vegetable oils.

How Much

A couple years ago, the biofuel production around the world stood at 28-billion gallons. Over the next few years, there will continue to be conversions to the use of renewable fuels as the technology to convert becomes more refined. The general public is becoming aware that fuel sources are not unlimited with the current usage. One solution would be to drive less and warm homes to a lower temperature. The problem with that is the general consumer of fuels will travel however much they want, regardless of the coming deficit. Homeowners also do not want to be cold in the winter so many crank up the furnace and block out the conservation factor.