Conditions that Require Dental Surgery

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Dental

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Dental surgery, Miami is performed to modify the teeth or the jawbone so as to make them better. Many people fear this procedure but it may be the only solution in some medical conditions and thus inevitable. Below are examples of the conditions that require this procedure.

Impacted wisdom teeth/ third molars- Sometimes the wisdom or third molars come out in the wrong position or they fail to come out fully causing a lot of pain and discomfort. If the situation is not addressed immediately, serious damage maybe caused to surrounding teeth and gums. The only way this problem can be solved is to have the tooth surgically removed so as to avoid causing more damage.

Dental implants- Dental implants are used to replace teeth that are lost due to tooth decay or accidents. It is important to fill in the gap so as to prevent infections or discomfort when chewing or talking. The implants have to be fitted in the jawbone using dental surgery so that they fit like the normal root.

Unequal jaw growth- If either of the jaws fails to grow properly then the two will not balance leading to difficulties in speaking, eating, talking, and breathing. To correct the unequal growth, all or part of the jaw will have to be moved so that it is aligned properly. To move the jaw, it will have to be detached by use of surgical procedures.

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders- When one has a TMJ disorder, he or she develops difficulties in clenching the teeth. Other than clenching, the disorder causes pain especially in the head and ears. If the disorder is detected early enough, it can be corrected using medication and physical therapy. However, in advanced stages dental surgery is the only solution to the problem.

Cleft palate/ cleft lip- Cleft palate is a birth defect that affects the upper lip of the baby and it is corrected by surgery and a series of other treatments.

Polyps or abnormal growth- Abnormal growth in the mouth requires surgical removal depending on the nature and size. Usually, a tissue sample is taken from the growth and then taken to the lab for analysis so as to determine the cause and the appropriate method for removal.

Fractured jaws- When one is involved in an accident and damage is caused to the jaws and facial bones, dental surgery will be required to correct this damage.

Dental surgery, Miami plays a big role in correcting a number of dental health conditions. Though the procedures are costly, the end results are very beneficial. There are a lot of technologies that have been developed to ensure that these procedures produce the desired results.