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How Do You Feel about Vegetarian Makeup

Vegetarian makeup is not really a new invention. Ancient Egyptians used tree leaves to color their lips along with other natural makeup products. Even though it is not new, you may not have heard much about vegan makeup products. This is because many of the biggest...

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Can My Hair Benefit from Blow Outs

When it comes to blow outs, Rye is home to salons that offer this popular service. But what exactly does it entail and which hair types will benefit most from this procedure? It’s important that you know all of the facts before you schedule your appointment....

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Information About Body Waxing Treatments

Marina Del Rey, CA women are looking for effective ways to have smooth and beautiful skin.  Waxing is not just for the facial area—you can have smooth skin over your entire body with the finest waxes including ACUTAN, RETINA, and RENOVA. In addition to...

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