Accidents Happen. But Know Your Rights!

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Legal

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An accident is always a traumatic moment in someone’s life, and very often the immediate aftermath of one leaves us exposed and vulnerable. Oftentimes,  it is at that precise moment in our lives, when we most need counseling and guidance,  that we find someone trying to take advantage of our helplessness. It’s a sad situation, but often very true!

When you are in an accident, whether it’s your fault or someone else’s,  your very first responsibility is to yourself. Get immediate medical attention at the scene. Too often, you may be worried about the “other person”, while letting precious moments go by before seeking aid for yourself. Once you condition is stabilized,  get in touch with the best car accident lawyer in Middlesex County, NJ that you know of. You may think the accident is “minor”, but experience shows that initial reactions are often misleading, often causing victims to seek legal advice too late.

Too often, immediately after the occurrence, sometimes even while you are receiving medical attention, you may be accosted by “polite sounding” individuals, seemingly eager to help. They may ask polite questions about the circumstance of the tragedy, or may even request (nicely) for you to sign some document or another. Unless you have first spoken with your car accident lawyer in Middlesex County, NJ and has his/her permission to do so – don’t do it!.

Usually, insurance agents and adjustors from the other person’s insurance company will arrive at the scene of an accident quickly, even before victims have recovered from the initial trauma, in an effort to get the victims of erratic or drunk drivers to sign waivers of their claims in favor of a “speedy and attractive” settlement offer. They are often very convincing,  always empathize with the victim to gain their trust. However, the last person’s interest they have in mind is yours. They get paid to get you to sign on the lowest offer possible – that’s how they make their living.

While you are suffering from trauma, it may be a good idea to refer any and all inquiries, even from law enforcement agencies investigating the scene of the car accident, to your lawyer in Middlesex County. And if you are pressed to make a statement, ensure that you ask the investigation officers for a copy of the same.

When at the hospital, ensure you disclose all – even the slightest – injuries, discomfort or symptoms you are feeling. This information will come in handy later, if you have to file a statement of compensation from the insurance companies.

Finally, unless your lawyer has approved it, do not provide signed “open consent” forms to opposing insurers or lawyers that allow them to examine your previous medical history. This access must be restricted to only injuries sustained in the current accident.