A Guide to CoParent Adoption for SameSex Couples

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Legal

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In June 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that a state couldn’t ban gay marriage any longer. Since that ruling, many couples have married and started their own families. Being in a same-sex marriage brings certain legal ramifications when children are in the picture, but the state has ways of helping these parents obtain their rights. Some couples legally adopt children through co-parent adoption, which is explained below.

Co-Parent Adoption Doesn’t Require the Termination of Parental Rights

In most cases, when someone wants to adopt a child, the biological parent must terminate his or her rights. However, in co-parent or second-parent adoptions, the process moves forward without the termination of anyone’s parental rights. With the establishment of a legal parent/child relationship, significant others get all the rights they deserve. Consult a Chicago gay adoption lawyer for additional details.

How Second-Parent Adoptions Work

If you’re considering adopting a partner’s child, you’ll have to file paperwork in your county. You’ll likely have to appear in court to answer the judge’s questions and demonstrate your capability as a parent. In some instances, adoptive parents must undergo home studies, but this step isn’t often required if the children are already in the home.

Get Help From an Illinois LGBT Adoption Attorney

Gay adoption is a complicated process, but it doesn’t have to take forever. An experienced Chicago gay adoption lawyer can answer your questions and address your concerns about co-parent adoption. Visit Metz + Jones LLC to schedule your no-obligation consultation with a local LGBT adoption attorney.