A Few Things You Should Know If You Need SR22 Insurance Coverage

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Insurance

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SR-22 is not so much an insurance policy as it is a certificate that an insurance company will issue you after you have purchased insurance coverage for your car. There are many reasons a judge will require you to provide a certificate to the court, but once you are required to have one, you will need to begin looking for insurance. The following are a few things you should know.

It Is Possible to Get Insurance from Your Current Carrier

If your insurance company has not canceled your policy, it is possible to simply stick to your present insurance carrier. They will raise your rates and issue you a certificate. However, this may not be the cheapest insurance you can get. There are insurance Peoria, IL, companies that are competitive with SR-22 insurance, and your present carrier may not be one of them. It is a good idea to get a quote from your present carrier, but you need to get quotes from several other companies as well.  

There Is No Standard Price

Although people often think of driving under the influence as the reason an SR-22 certificate is required, the truth is that there are many reasons. It could have been reckless driving or maybe you were caught driving without insurance. It could have been due to being in an accident and not having insurance, even though the accident was not your fault. The point to keep in mind is that the reason you are required to have an SR-22 will affect the price of the premiums. Insurance companies in Peoria, IL sell many policies of this type are aware of this, and they will price their insurance policies according to the specific risk of the driver.

A good example of a company that sells many policies that require an SR-22 certificate is Save-A-Lot Auto Insurance. You can get more information on their website savealotautoinsurance.com.