Liquid Nitrogen Safety

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Small Business

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Working with liquid nitrogen and other industrial and medical gases can be a very tricky process. NYC is full of reputed businesses that specialize in providing their clients with numerous services related to the storage and transportation of compressed gas tanks, but it’s important to have a considerable amount of personal knowledge as well. Virtually all industrial gases can be dangerous if they aren’t stored properly, and regardless of what industry you work in, chances are that you can’t really afford to have people getting hurt. Adhering to liquid nitrogen safety regulations is mostly a matter of following the right guidelines and making informed decisions with regards to how you look after your gas cylinders. This includes making sure that the valve affixed to each gas tank is in proper condition.

One thing that far too many people in NYC are aware of is that there are even guidelines that dictate the dimensions of liquid nitrogen cylinder valve inlets. It’s of the utmost importance to make sure that the inlets on your gas cylinders meet all of the necessary requirements, because while it might seem like a bit of a trifling matter to concern yourself with, the truth is that using a cylinder with the wrong type of valve inlet can be highly hazardous to everyone involved. There have been many situations in which leaks have formed in tanks that have failed to meet the right criteria, and this is something that you absolutely can’t afford when working with liquid nitrogen—a gas widely known for its ability to burn skin with its sheer piercing coldness.

First and foremost, you must always make sure that each tank of liquid nitrogen is kept in an area that is well-ventilated. Even if a leak should appear, the added ventilation will help keep the gas from causing as much damage as it might otherwise be able to. In addition to this, compressed gas cylinders need to be kept in an upright position; in most cases, these types of cylinders will be situated to a manifold, preventing them from toppling over. If possible, you should make sure that your manifold is equipped with some kind of rope or chain to keep each tank tightly secured. If you need to move any of the tanks to a different location, try to avoid dragging or rolling them, as this can also cause leaks to appear. Ideally, you should tow them using equipment made for the express purpose of transporting compressed gas tanks without opening anyone up to any unnecessary danger.