Reasons the Dental Implant in Riverside Is a Good Choice

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Dental

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When you are missing a tooth or more than one, you have several alternatives to replace them. It used to be the only alternative patients had was to get dentures. This provided an unsightly, uncomfortable and time-consuming alternative. Since the dental implant in Riverside became so readily available, many dental patients are trying to determine if they are an eligible candidate for it. Understanding the reasons implants can be used and why they are beneficial will help you determine if you want to find out more for yourself.

Fixes Only the Missing Tooth

With the dental implant in Riverside, you can fix the tooth that is missing without affecting the surrounding teeth. A bridge, on the other hand, uses the teeth that are adjacent to the missing tooth as an anchor. This puts unnecessary pressure on otherwise healthy surrounding teeth.

More Aesthetically Pleasing

Patients experience a more natural smile when they get dental implants rather than a bridge or dentures. The implant is an artificial root that is surgically installed in a person’s mouth with a fake tooth on top of it. The tooth is extremely natural looking, making it nearly impossible for anyone to figure out the tooth is not real.

When you are missing teeth, the bones in your face naturally begin to weaken because of the lack of structure there to hold it up. This is what gives elderly people that sunken in look in their face. When you choose the dental implant in Riverside, your bones will not weaken, avoiding the sunken in look in your face.

Easier Chewing and Speech

As an added benefit, the tooth that is implanted is much easier to use for chewing and digesting. Dentures make it difficult to chew a large variety of foods, causing patients to swallow larger pieces of food, which is harder on the digestive system. Dentures also make speech slightly inhibited, causing self-confidence issues in patients. Implants do not interfere with speech at all since they mimic the natural tooth you are missing.

The common denominator in all the reasons the dental implant in Riverside is a good choice is the self-confidence it restores in patients. Without the sunken in face, embarrassing smile or inability to chew, patients regain confidence in themselves, which helps them live a better life overall.