Court Appearance for Man with Five DWI Charges

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Legal

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A man who faces five separate DWI charges accrued over a 38-day period has pled not-guilty to the most recent offense. In addition to the multiple DWI counts, Anderson Sotomayor is also facing some 28 other unrelated charges, including a drug charge. Because of people like Sotomayor, anyone arrested for DWI in Austin needs to contact an Austin DWI lawyer as soon as possible.

Offenders like Sotomayor put it in the public’s mind that DWI penalties are not stiff enough if someone can become a repeat offender. Consequently, everyone from law enforcement to D.A.s to our state representatives in Austin feel compelled to get tough on DWI offenders. To be sure, everyone should be in agreement that it is wrong to drive while intoxicated, there is no doubt about that. However, when someone like Sotomayor makes the news, it makes it seem like everyone who gets pulled over must be a repeat DWI offender that Austin police need to crack down on.

The reality is that many times, those who are pulled over on suspicion of DWI are not intoxicated at all. Furthermore, there are a multiplicity of reasons why an Austin police officer might believe that someone had failed a field sobriety test or even a breathalyzer test even if that person was not truly legally intoxicated. However, because of public pressure regarding DWI offenses, the officer will most likely make the arrest anyway, just to be sure. That is why the accused needs a qualified and knowledgeable Austin DWI lawyer working on the case.

If you have been arrested for DWI, it is in your best interest to hire an Austin DWI lawyer before doing anything else. In addition to fighting the DWI charge, your Austin DWI lawyer will also be able to help you file a request for a hearing to challenge an automatic suspension of your driver’s license. Remember that you need your license to continue to get to and from work and to take your kids to school. Your Austin DWI lawyer will diligently work to make sure that you can keep it.

Your Austin DWI lawyer will also do all that is necessary to help you avoid the stiff penalties that can come with a DWI conviction. Even a first time offense can land you in jail, and monetary consequences can be as much as $5,000 in fines and fees to keep your driver’s license after convicted. Do not take chances with your future; if you are facing DWI charges in Austin or the surrounding area, contact an Austin DWI lawyer today so that the two of you can begin working together to build a strong defense and to uphold your innocence.