Wisdom Tooth Extraction Most Common Form of Oral Surgery

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Dental

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Most people have their wisdom teeth extracted at some point in their lives. Wisdom tooth extraction is the most common form of oral surgery in Austin and throughout the nation. When wisdom teeth are properly aligned, they function as any other molar; however, they are so infrequently aligned, that most adults do not have them any longer.

Wisdom teeth become candidates for oral surgery when they try to come in at an angle or when there is a danger that they will move other teeth out of alignment when they come in. In addition, wisdom teeth can also damage surrounding nerves and even the jawbone.

Sometimes oral surgery is performed to remove wisdom teeth that are impacted. These are teeth that have not erupted fully, but have broken through the gums providing a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and infection, as well as tooth decay and gum disease.

Sometimes a dentist can remove wisdom teeth by pulling them in the same way that other teeth are sometimes pulled when there is a problem. More often than not, however, the procedure requires oral surgery because of their position under the gums and their relation to the jawbone. Your dentist or oral surgeon will discuss the procedure with you and explain everything that will happen.

Usually the worst part of having oral surgery for wisdom teeth is the recovery period. During the actual surgery, you will be given a local anesthetic, and often either IV sedation or anesthesia. Your surgeon can discuss anesthesia options with you depending upon how involved the surgery will have to be based on the position of the wisdom teeth. During the surgery itself, you should not be able to feel anything, much less experience any pain.

However, following the oral surgery, you may have some swelling and discomfort. Your surgeon will usually prescribe a pain killer for you to take immediately after the surgery. The surgeon will also instruct you as to what foods and liquids are appropriate and how long it will be before you can expect your mouth to feel normal again. Your oral surgeon may also give you gauze pads following the surgery. These are for you to bite gently upon until they become soaked with blood at which point you can switch them out. After 24 hours, there shouldn’t be any more bleeding.

If you have been experiencing problems with your wisdom teeth, or if you anticipate that they might present a problem, consult with your Austin oral surgery professional as soon as possible to determine if oral surgery is in your future.