What can modern Cosmetic Dentistry procedures do for your smile

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Dental

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Cosmetic dentistry in the past has been used to enhance the appearance of someone’s smile or the shape of their mouth. Traditionally anyone who used Cosmetic Dentistry Reston procedures did so by choice not because it was considered necessary. Nowadays however, cosmetic dentistry is used not only to enhance someone’s oral health, but to also restore it. There are many different modern Cosmetic Dentistry Reston procedures that are used by dental care specialist to restore good oral health and also to improve one’s overall looks.

One of the most common modern Cosmetic Dentistry Reston techniques used today is indirect fillings or inlays/onlays.  These are made from porcelain or composite material and are long lasting and durable ways of filling teeth that have cavities or need structural repair. In traditional fillings, the tooth is normally drilled out. In the Cosmetic Dentistry Reston inlay/onlays method, “filling” is crafted in a laboratory and then bonded into place with a dental adhesive.

Another common Cosmetic Dentistry Reston technique is composite bonding. This is where chipped, broken or discolored and decayed teeth are repaired and their appearance corrected. This is done by having a composite material that has the look of enamel and dentin applied into the cavity or on the surface of the tooth and is sculpted to fit the shape of the tooth so that is looks 100% natural. The result of this Cosmetic Dentistry Reston restoration technique is that it blends into the surrounding oral structure and is practically invisible to see.

One of the most popular Cosmetic Dentistry Reston techniques is teeth whitening. This is a very common procedure for people whose teeth have become stained by smoking, caffeinated beverages or the foods they eat. Sometimes tooth discoloration is the result of poor oral hygiene as well. People who want to restore their smiles to a bright shiny state will most likely use this popular Cosmetic Dentistry Reston procedure.

Some people who want a complete smile makeover will have several Cosmetic Dentistry Reston procedures performed. If this is something that your dental care expert recommends, the makeover may involve such procedures being done as dental veneers, dental implants, teeth whitening, and other similar Cosmetic Dentistry Reston procedures. Some dental care specialist has been known to recommend a full mouth reconstruction to improve the esthetic appearance of a patient’s smile and oral health. Sometimes a Cosmetic Dentistry Reston specialist may also recommend that you have the necessary treatment to correct functional problems with your bite, muscles, teeth and bone structure. If your Cosmetic Dentistry Reston expert finds that you need full mouth reconstruction, the high-tech dental repair materials available today make it possible for your dentist to provide you with functionally sound clinical treatments that look and feel natural.

Cosmetic Dentistry Reston offers a wide variety of dental restoration and enhancement options for people who are unhappy with their smile. If you are in need of such work, you should consult with your primary dental care provider before beginning any type of dental restoration.