Signs You Need to Find a New Lawyer

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Legal

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When you hire an estate litigation attorney in Oakland, CA, or any attorney for that matter, you are doing so with the assumption they take their job seriously. You may also think they are going to take your case seriously, too. Unfortunately, this isn’t always true.

The fact is, there are always going to be a few signs to let you know it is time to find a new attorney. Getting to know what these signs are is the best way to ensure you use the services of a qualified legal professional.

The Attorney Never Returns Your Calls

One of the first signs you need to find a new estate litigation attorney in Oakland, CA is if they never return your call, or if it takes a really long time for them to do so. If this is the case, there’s a good chance they aren’t taking your case seriously. This isn’t a good thing and the best thing you can do at this point is to hire another attorney to help with your situation.

Fees Keep Popping Up Mysteriously

Another sign you may need to find a new attorney is if the one you are using continues offering new or surprising fees you weren’t expecting. They may be charging you for nothing.

Be sure to keep the information here in mind. It provides you with the insight you need to know when it is time for you to hire a new estate litigation attorney in Oakland, CA.

Find out more about hiring an attorney by visiting the Loew Law Group website today!