Prevent an Infection with Dental Bonding

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Dental

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When you have scratches or tiny chips on the surface of your teeth, it can ruin your beautiful smile, but it is easy for you to request dental bonding in Evanston, Il., dentists. This procedure is considered a cosmetic adhesive dentistry process, but it can also protect the underlying surfaces of your teeth. If a tooth has a chip, crack or scratch, then food debris and bacteria can enter the enamel to damage the materials inside the tooth. This can lead to a deep infection in the pulp, nerves or root of the teeth, leading to additional problems.

Dental Bonding Can Protect a Tooth

There is a good chance that your dental insurance will pay for all or part of the cost of having dental bonding in Evanston because it can protect the structure of a damaged tooth. This preventative treatment will keep a tooth safer from the dangers of infection or additional structural damage. The materials used for dental bonding are mixed by the dentist to match the color of your natural teeth. If your teeth are discolored with food or tobacco stains, then you may need a teeth-whitening procedure first to improve the color of your teeth.

Contact Our Dental Office

With the proper oral health care, the dental bonding from Evanston dentists will last up to eight years. If you are visiting your dentist every six months, then a dentist will check all of your dental restorations to determine if the materials require a repair. Dental bonding material is applied to the damaged tooth, and after it dries, the dentist polishes it to give it a smooth finish. For additional information about the dental bonding process, you can contact Stephens Dentistry at 847-864-8151, or you can visit our website.