Tooth Discoloration How Do You Get Whiter Brighter Teeth

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Dental

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About 80 percent of Americans, those from the ages of 18 to 49, want whiter, brighter teeth, What’s Cooking America says. It’s one of the most requested dental procedures today and for a very good reason: your smile affects the way people see you.

What’s in a smile?
Your smile contributes to the impression people have of you, especially when they meet you for the first time. Discolored teeth can get in the way of that. Also, people with discoloration in their teeth are much more self-conscious when they smile. That can send the message that you’re aloof and reserved.

What causes discoloration?
There are two main categories for tooth discoloration: extrinsic and intrinsic stains. Extrinsic stains affect the surface of the enamel and are often caused by lifestyle options. For instance, if you smoke, drink coffee or tea, then your teeth are likely to discolor. Intrinsic stains affect the dentin of your tooth and are often caused by medication, chemotherapy treatments and injuries. Aside from these two, age, genetics and illnesses can also lead to discoloration.

How to treat the problem?
For treatment to be effective, though, finding out what’s causing the discoloration is the first step in identifying the right treatment. Talk to your dentist about it. After the consultation, your dental care provider can run through the possible options for teeth whitening in Philadelphia.

How to get treatment?
Look for a trusted dentist to perform the procedure. While choosing someone with the right credentials and experience is a given, it would also be a great idea to pick someone you’re comfortable with. For some people, talking about their dental problems isn’t easy. Knowing your dentist will treat you with respect and professionalism at all times will make those sessions for teeth whitening in Philadelphia go much easier.