Secure Visitation with Child Custody Attorneys in Stroudsburg, PA

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Legal

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Divorce can cause some major complications. You may find that you do not see your child as much once custody has been determined. You may need to make sure that your visitation schedule works with your lifestyle. In some cases, parents miss out on their designated days because of their work schedule or living location. You may need to have the order adjusted to make sure that your visitation is secure.

A Different Schedule

Everyone has a different lifestyle. This can affect the time you spend with your kids, even when you live in the same home with them. When a divorce happens, this can severely limit the time that you see your kids. Child custody attorneys in Stroudsburg, PA can help you adjust the schedule if necessary. Most states have common visitation schedules that are assigned during the divorce proceedings. It is important to mention possible complications during this procedure. You may need a different visitation schedule to accommodate a job that requires travel or if your home is far from your child’s. Child custody attorneys can help you present your case.

Cooperation with the Other Parent

Child custody attorneys are also helpful when it is difficult to get the child’s other parent to cooperate. Every case is different. You may be able to work things out when life circumstances change by going back to court to change the visitation schedule. Some parents can work around the issues, others cannot get along enough to cooperate. When you go the proper route through court, it is more likely that you can receive a proper amount of time with your child, visit us to find out more.

Your child is an important part of your life, and visitation should not be difficult to maintain. It can become complicated, however, when life circumstances are not ideal. A court order may not reflect your work schedule or living area. Head back to court with an attorney if you feel you are missing out on precious time with your child.