Gain Oral Health with Wisdom Teeth Removal

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Dental

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Many people benefit greatly from Chicago Wisdom Teeth Removal. While not everyone will need to have their wisdom teeth removed, many of our patients find that they do well with this treatment because there is simply not enough room in their mouths for all of these teeth. Learn more about all of the benefits you can gain from wisdom teeth removal to find out if this may be the right treatment for you.

You may think that just because your wisdom teeth do not hurt, you do not have to worry about getting them removed. However, these large molars could be stuck in your mouth and could be impacted. This may injure the teeth next to them and may hurt tooth roots.

Another reason to consider getting your wisdom teeth removal done in Chicago is to avoid problems later in life. The longer you leave your wisdom teeth in, the more attached they will become to the jawbone. This will make them more difficult to remove. Therefore, the younger you are when you have them removed, the faster and easier your recovery will be.

Finally, because most people do not have enough room in their mouths for all of their teeth, you may find that getting your wisdom teeth removed will prevent overcrowding in the rest of your mouth. This will keep your teeth straight, will give you a more pleasing smile and will even make it easier to eat your favorite foods. This is particularly important if you have previously had orthodontic work.

When you choose a dentist in Chicago for wisdom teeth removal, you can discover great oral health and decrease any pain that impacted or unhealthy wisdom teeth are causing. Turn to Chicago Smile Design at for help with this and other preventative, emergency and cosmetic treatments.