Estate Planning Offering Help When You Need it the Most

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Legal

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Helping in estate planning during the lifetime or administration of the estate of a loved one that has passed on, is a huge undertaking. It demands time and legal acumen to be done right, or else there could be grave consequences for surviving members of the family. That’s why you need an astute estate planning lawyer in Lancaster, PA to help you through the process.

Estate planning and administration must be looked at as a 2-step process. While you or your loved ones are alive, your estate planning lawyer in Lancaster, PA should be able to help you in planning for the inevitable eventuality.  And once you or your loved ones have passed, your trusted estate planning lawyer in Lancaster, PA  will be there to help administer the estate.

An experienced and professional estate planning lawyer in Lancaster, PA will have two simple goals while helping you plan the estate – to maximize the protection of your assets and to minimize the amount of taxes and probate fees on the estate. If you hire an astute estate planning lawyer in Lancaster, PA there is no reason why both these objectives can’t be met to your entire satisfaction.

No other area of personal finance is more sensitive that estate planning. The reason is that when it comes time to administer the estate and you discover that the estate planning lawyer in Lancaster, PA erred in their advice, there’s not much one can do. The damage would have been done irrevocably. Consulting with the right estate planning lawyer in Lancaster, PA therefore becomes all the more important. So what should you look for when searching for a dependable estate planning lawyer in Lancaster, PA?

It is always good to have an estate planning lawyer in Lancaster, PA who belongs to a reputable firm that has been dispensing estate planning advise and offering estate administration services to your community for a while. An estate planning lawyer in Lancaster, PA representing a firm with 50+ years of ties to Lancaster County should be preferred.

An experienced estate planning lawyer in Lancaster, PA should be able to offer you both estate planning and administration support. Such services on the planning side must include Wills, Powers of Attorneys, Trusts, Guardianships, Living Wills, Elder Care Planning and Health Care Declarations.

A good estate planning lawyer in Lancaster, PA will also  help administer the estate through services such as Probate of the will, Tax return preparations, Marshaling of the assets of the estate, Distribution of assets, Preparing inventories, notices and status updates.

With this broad array of estate planning and administration experience to offer you, your estate planning lawyer in Lancaster, PA will be well placed to give you the peace of mind of knowing that when the inevitable happens, your loved ones will be in good hands.