Repair a Broken Smile Permanently with Dental Implants

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Dental

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No one ever wants to have a permanent tooth pulled, but sometimes extraction is the only solution for a severely damaged tooth. Deeply decayed or fractured teeth are common reasons for dental extractions. Losing teeth often destroys a peron’s self-confidence. Missing teeth also makes it more difficult to talk or eat. People who are missing teeth due to an extraction should consider Dental Implants Lincolnwood, IL to repair their broken smile.

Dental implants are a permanent solution for extracted teeth. An implant is surgically placed in the jaw, where it fuses with the bone over time. Once a tooth is pulled, most dentists recommend having an implant inserted before too much bone is lost around the extraction site. Getting an implant requires multiple visits to the dentist. During the first appointment, the patient is placed under general anesthesia, and the dentist inserts a titanium post into the jawbone. This post will serve as an artificial root for a false tooth. The gum tissue around the post is then stitched closed. Before a replacement tooth can be placed on the post, the site must completely heal. This process may take several months.

Once the surgery site has healed and the post has fused with the bone, the patient is ready for a porcelain crown. The crown is specially designed to match the size, shape and color of the missing tooth. It is tightly screwed onto the post. While this is the final stage of receiving a dental implant, it may take a few visits to get the patient’s bite just right. Some tenderness or redness of the gum tissue around the new crown is common, but it should subside after a few days.

Dental Implants Lincolnwood IL are becoming the preferred method for replacing missing teeth. They look and function similarly to real teeth. Other cosmetic solutions, such as dentures, are not permanent and may be uncomfortable to wear. Dental implants, on the other hand, often improve speech and make chewing food easier. Regular brushing and flossing is necessary to keep an implant healthy, and implants should be inspected by a dentist every year. When properly cared for, dental implants may last a lifetime.