Tips For Finding A Dentist You Will Like

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Dental

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If you open up your local phone book and turn to the yellow pages under “dentist” you will be bombarded by how many dentists there are to choose from.  Finding the right dentist for you can be quite the task but one in which you should take your time so that you will be happy for years and not dread the going to the dentist so much.  Some people really fear those regular dental cleanings, but you can abandon the dread by choosing a dentist that makes you feel comfortable and calm during each appointment. 

Your first step on the search for a great dentist is to talk to people you know. Ask around your friends and family to see whom they use.  Ask questions about how the dentist is with them and what they like and don’t like about them.  Typically people are going to be very upfront and honest with you about why or why not they like or don’t like someone.  This can prove to be informative enough to help you decide which dentist you should use. 

If your family and friends do not have anyone they can suggest you use as a dentist, you can always look in the phone directory as mentioned earlier.  This method can work if you take the time to look deeper into just the pages of the phone book.  Gather a list of a few dentists that are close to your home.  Next you should give each one of them a call to see if they will set up an appointment for you to just meet the dentist and get to know him or her.  Those that allow you to do this, you should move forward with and get to know each one.  It is a good chance for you to ask any and all questions you may want to ask of the dentist.  You can also meet the staff and see if you like the environment in which you would be taken care of.  Something as little as a bad environment caused by little things such as the color the office is painted, may make you decide not to go to a particular dental office. 

You also can ask your family doctor for a recommendation when it comes to their dental needs.  They will be happy to share with you whom they see, but probably cannot comment further than that.  You may want to give your family doctor’s dentist a visit to see if you like them or not.

Deciding on just the right dentist should be something that you take slowly, especially if you plan to stay with the same dentist for a number of years.