Concrete Crack Repair Overview

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Construction and Maintenance

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Did you know that concrete has been used in the construction of world renowned structures? Evidences about the use of gypsum mixed with clay, gravel and sand has been found in the construction of the Great Wall of China and the Egyptian pyramids. Looking at these structures, no one would have guessed their susceptibility to cracks; however, the truth is that concrete is also susceptible to cracks. Hence, we offer a guide on the methods of and need for concrete crack repair.

Need for Concrete Crack Repair

Concrete is a very strong construction and binding agent, which is also subject to damage, wear and tear with time. The reasons for the cracks are loosening of sand and cement particles, caused by many factors. These include impacts, accidents and natural causes such as tremors and earthquakes.  It generally starts as a fine line, which then grows deeper and longer, transforming itself into a massive gap that requires replacement rather than mere concrete crack repair.

Natural causes include:

     *     Wear and tear due to time
     *     Earthquakes and tremor shocks
     *     Flooding and water logging
     *     Excess heat causing particles to expand

Other causes attributed man-made mistakes:

     *     Using poor quality cement
     *     Mixing too much water
     *     Accidental impacts
     *     Construction by unskilled workers

Traditional Concrete Crack Repair Methods

Traditional concrete crack repair used the patch method, which involved the preparation of concrete mix to fill the gap. This was more a cosmetic solution, as the joint was only a cold joint. This meant that instead of a joint, it was more like one block of concrete fixed into another block. Superficially, it looked fine but it did not provide any strength to the joint. While smaller cracks could be repaired with this method, larger ones still needed replacement.

Advanced Concrete Crack Repair Solutions

To overcome the problems of traditional concrete crack repair methods, newer products were developed that could bond with the existing concrete to make a stronger and permanent bond. This involved the use of epoxy and other polymers; according to experts, concrete should not be used for repairing concrete. These advanced solutions are generally ready-made or require the addition of sand and cement for holding together the loose ends.

Besides increasing strength and saving money, these modern products also offer benefits such as elongation enhancements and water proofing technology. This makes the concrete crack repair less susceptible to damage due to water and accidental impact.