Check Engine Lights and Car Repair in Puyallup WA

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Automobiles

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If you’ve ever had the dreaded “Check Engine” light come on when you’re driving down the road, you know it can be an unsettling experience. This light can mean a variety of different things ranging from something minor to something that can be costly. Here are some things to consider from your expert in car repair in Puyallup WA when that light comes on.

Gas Cap
If you’ve recently put fuel in your vehicle and you noticed that the engine light has come on after that, there is a good chance that you didn’t put the cap on tight enough. If the light comes on, pull over and tighten the gas cap. It might only take a quarter of a turn, but make sure it’s on tight. Then start your vehicle and let it run for a few minutes. If the light doesn’t go off, it could be something more serious.

Buy a Code Checker
Your engine light doesn’t have to be shrouded in mystery. In fact, there are devices on the market that will help you determine why your light has come on. For around $100, you can buy a code checker that you hook up to your vehicle – usually the fuse box. After the vehicle runs for a few minutes, the code checker will give you some codes. You can then go online and do a search for these codes which will tell you the reason for the light being on. In some cases, it might be a simple problem that you can do yourself. But if it’s not, you may need to take it to a shop that does car repair in Puyallup WA.

Take It to a Professional
Did you know that about 10 percent of all the cars on the road have their “Check Engine” light on? And about half of those vehicles have had the light on for more than three months. Unfortunately, the repairs could have been easy and affordable when the light first came on. But if it’s been months, you could have caused damage to your engine or some other important part of your vehicle. That’s why it’s important to get your car checked by a professional as soon as possible.

Maybe Nothing is Wrong
There will be times when your engine light will come on and there is nothing wrong with your vehicle. If there is a major change in humidity where you live, it could trigger a sensor underneath the hood that makes the light come on. It could also mean that it’s time for a scheduled maintenance procedure.