Mind Matters Setting and Food

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Shopping

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More than we realize, psychology affects food. It’s not something as meaningless as “when people are happy food tastes better” but instead what this means is that how we prepare ourselves for a meal affects how it tastes. If you sit at a restaurant table under bright clinical lights, and there is a lack of ambiance or explanation and you order your food it is likely to taste flat to you. On the other hand a place with the right décor, some restaurant candles, and food described in just the right way can help elevate a meal.

This is part of the reason why if you or someone in your household is a good cook, home cooked meals can be so much better. You smell them being prepared, you see the ingredients, you handle them, and the whole way you build the meal in your mind. Something like slow roasted pork can induce hunger pains in someone who’s recently eaten.

For restaurants it’s a bit more difficult, they can’t call you back into the kitchen to talk to the chef and have him brag about the meal. You also don’t want to tie things down too much with having the wait staff or the menu tell an in-depth story about the food. Mostly what you try to do is create a mood with decoration. Restaurant candles can create a sense of privacy and ambience, this way the diners don’t feel as crowded as they actually are.

Restaurant candles are the candles in the large glass containers designed to not let wax leak out. Sometimes they’re real candles sometimes artificial, the specifics on that don’t matter much. What’s important is the appearance they give off. In some counties and towns the candles with actual flame can be illegal or highly regulated, in other cases the setting is cramped enough that the fear is a customer might burn his or her self on the candle. Point is what matters more than the difference between trace amounts of wax smoke in the air vs. the artificial light of a candle is the ambiance of being in a candle light room. If you can make a restaurant look classy, and look like the sort place where food is prepared with care. That’s what matters; you need to set your customer’s mind in the right frame to appreciate your food. Now restaurant candles won’t save a truly wretched restaurant, or elevate mediocre food to high cuisine. They can help you sell your food as being as good as it really is though.